Ben Akers is a landscape photographer from Phoenix, Arizona. He found his passion for photography while taking photography classes in high school and decided to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Photography at Northern Arizona University. He completed his degree in May of 2023 and plans to continue his photography in Arizona. Over the past few years he has built a portfolio of landscape imagery that show a variety of scenes that can be found in Arizona. His images capture a scene that showcases the unique weather, foliage, and terrain of each location.

Ben’s main influences for landscape photography are Nick Page, David Muench, and Jack Dykinga. The Grand Canyon is one of his favorite locations to photograph and he plans to explore more remote parts of Arizona.
In addition to his landscape portfolio Ben specializes in headshot & portrait photography with the use of off camera flash. Please use the contact form for further information.
Photo of Ben Akers by Megan Ford-Fyffe
Ben's printed work can be viewed at Sedona Arts Center in Sedona, Arizona or online below:
Journalism Education Association San Francisco Spring 2018 Conference: 
Portrait Photography - Honorable Mention

Photographer's Forum Best of College and High School Photography 2018 Finalist

Balfour Yearbooks Fall 2018 "Academic Activities" Photo Contest - 2nd Place 

Journalism Education Association Anaheim Spring 2019 Conference:
Photography Portfolio - Excellent Award

New Works By Artists in Arizona June 2024 Juried Show - Selected Finalist 
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